As a member of the Trapping Party some of your benefits are: access to the Stone Cliff Canyon site 365 days a year for camping, the shoot ranges etc, being able to purchase black powder supplies at group rates, access to the Trappers library with books, patterns, videos etc, the members’ knowledge of gunsmithing, tanning, clothiers, primitive bow making, primitive camp gear, weavery, trekking etc.. Yes, we are a very diverse group of buckskinners.
We encourage all our members to research and choose personas and periods that interest them and to fashion their camps and select clothing to fit that time period. Some members choose the Eastern Longhunter style, or the Colonial period, some enjoy the Western Buckskin style of camp and clothing while others have chosen the Southwest period of dress. If it is pre-1840 it is acceptable. Period dress is encouraged but not required to compete in any of the events. Some of our members elect to simply enjoy the camaraderie of good friends, the family activity or just the camp. Children are welcome and encouraged to participate, and are a big part of preserving and carrying on the Buckskinning spirit!
Our Trapping Party dues are $40 a year which includes your immediate family and all children under 18 living at home. Our monthly event fees are $5.00 per person or $7.00 for non-members. Visitors are always welcome. These dues help to pay the land lease, insurance, postage, site maintenance, etc. Rendezvous fees are separate and not included in our yearly dues. Again, fellow Buckskinners and visitors are ALWAYS welcome.
Membership Application
Download and print a copy of the application. They will be available at our events.